plugintemplateplusplus (git rev. 2c04f1a)
No Matches

plugintemplateplusplus is a class library for Notepad++ plugins

The source code is hosted at


Create a CMakeLists.txt for your plugin project, e.g.:

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.28)
# Download the latest 'CPM.cmake' module from
include (CPM.cmake)
CPMAddPackage ("bb:rdipardo/plugintemplateplusplus#default")
project (your-plugin LANGUAGES CXX)
add_library (your-plugin SHARED)
# ...
target_link_libraries (your-plugin PRIVATE plugintemplateplusplus)

‍See the CPM project page for a guide to using the CPMAddPackage() function

Building with MinGW-w64

cmake -B mingw-build -G"MinGW Makefiles"
cmake --build mingw-build

Building with MSVC

From the Developer Command Prompt

cmake -B msvc-build -G"NMake Makefiles"
cmake --build msvc-build

Building with MsBuild

From the Developer Command Prompt

cmake -B vs-build -G"Visual Studio 17" -A x64
cmake --build vs-build --config Release

Build options

-DPLUGINTEMPLATEPLUSPLUS_BUILD_STATIC=OFF|ON Build with -MT to use a multi-threaded statically linked runtime library OFF
-DPLUGINTEMPLATEPLUSPLUS_BACKPORT_NATIVE_LANG_SUPPORT=OFF|ON Enable native language detection in Notepad++ versions before v8.7 ON

Third-party copyright and licenses

NppPluginTemplate Visual C++ project (c) 2024 Don HO <>

Source files under the src/ subtree are dually licensed under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0 (MPL 2.0), and the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later (GPL v3).

These files include Don HO's PluginInterface.h header. Plugins that use unmodified copies in their build process should be wholly licensed under the GPL v3 (the same license as Notepad++). If you choose not to include PluginInterface.h, and/or your plugin only uses functions that do not depend on PluginInterface.h, the files under the src/ subtree can be used under the terms of the MPL 2.0, instead; or, if you choose, the GPL v3.

Source files under the include/ subtree are licensed under the MPL 2.0.

Static assets generated by doxygen

  • Copyright (c) 1997-2020 by Dimitri van Heesch, MIT License
  • Copyright (c) 2021-2022 "jothepro", MIT License

Original static assets included in the documentation are in the Public Domain under the terms of the Creative Commons Zero License (v1.0)